Tree Services

a firefighter putting out a fire
a firefighter putting out a fire

The following tree services are available, and quotes for the work will be given after an in-person assessment of the work to be undertaken.

  • Tree pruning – Giving the tree a light trim and/or removing branches where the tree is too dense. Keeps the tree healthy and looking neat, and can help with fruit production in fruit trees.

  • Tree reductions – Reducing the size of a tree can help keep it a good size for your garden. This is done carefully, to maintain tree health and keep it looking good.

  • Crown lifting – Removing lower branches from a tree. This can help with light levels and visibility, and give a general feeling of space around the tree.

  • Tree removal – Sometimes trees get too big for the space they are in, or become diseased and need to be removed. Saxon Trees and Gardens offer a free tree planting service at the same time – a bit like a tree replacement.

  • Large hedge trimming – Hedges require yearly trimming to stay at their best. Using battery-powered hedge trimmers allows this to be done without the use of petrol.

  • Hedge reduction – Bringing the height of a hedge down can improve the view, and make the hedge more manageable in the future.